5th Workshop on Machine Learning & Data Analytics (MLDA)

(Online and Self Sponsored Programme)
20th June 2022 to 29th June 2022

Jointly organized by
Network Security & Cryptography Lab, Machine Learning & Optimization Lab and Data Analytics Lab, IIIT Allahabad, India.
Intelligent Technology Innovation Lab (ITIL), Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.

For Indian Participants
Dr. K. P. Singh
Department of Information Technology
Computer Centre - 2 (CC-2)
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
Jhalwa, Prayagraj,
Uttar Pradesh - 211015
E-Mail: kpsingh@iiita.ac.in
Phone: 0532 - 292 2226
For Overseas Participants
Dr. Sudha Subramani
Lecturer, Information Technology Discipline
College of Engineering and Science
Victoria University
Ballarat Road, Footscray
PO Box 14428 Melbourne
VIC 8001 Australia
E-Mail: Sudha.Subramani@vu.edu.au